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Tune into Your Heart

The Lynch family
The Lynch family, from left: Shannon, KC, Janis and Cali

Kevin W. Lynch was known for his larger-than-life personality and a brand of kindness and wit that could energize a room. When he unexpectedly passed away from a heart attack in 2017, his loved ones were stunned. To celebrate his life, they honored their family patriarch in a way he would have appreciated.

“Our dad supported many causes, but UH was a favorite,” said his daughter, Shannon Lynch Kokal. “It seemed fitting to develop a fundraiser in his memory to raise awareness about heart disease and the importance of getting checkups.”

Last summer, Shannon and her siblings, Cali and KC, spearheaded “Tune into Your Heart,” an event that gathered more than 170 family and friends at Music Box Supper Club for food, fun and lessons in heart health from Marco A. Costa, MD, PhD, MBA, President, UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute and Angela and James Hambrick Master Clinician in Innovation. More than $65,000 was raised for the Kevin W. Lynch Heart Disease Research Fund.

“Fundraising for heart care at UH would have made Dad proud,” shared Shannon. “He lives on through this fund.”