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The Healing Power of Art

Bob and Darlene Duvin
Bob and Darlene Duvin

Bob and Darlene Duvin are new believers in the healing power of art. Over the last 40 years, the couple amassed an impressive and inspiring art collection and they recently gifted over 200 pieces to UH.

“Our collection has so many unique and beautiful pieces, we knew we wanted to find a place where many others could enjoy it as well,” explained Darlene. “After learning about the UH Art Collection from our dear friend Trudy Wiesenberger, and then meeting UH Art Curator Tom Huck, we knew that UH would be the best home for our art legacy.”

The Duvins’ wide-ranging collection – which includes works by such noted artists as Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol, James Rosenquist, Red Grooms, Robert Motherwell and more – is the most significant contribution of art gifted to UH in the healthcare system’s history.