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Specialty Clinics at UH Portage Benefit Patients

Jeanne Tondiglia, Norma Welling and Karen Horky
From left: Auxiliary members Jeanne Tondiglia, Norma Welling and Karen Horky wearing their white coats from the 2018 Mather Society induction ceremony.

In 2018, UH Portage Medical Center celebrated two major gifts benefiting specialty care. Portage Medical Center Foundation and The Auxiliary of UH Portage Medical Center made the largest commitments in their respective histories, totaling $2.5 million to support the construction of pediatric and adult specialty clinics.

“The clinics will bring state-of-the-art resources to our community,” said William Benoit, President, UH Portage Medical Center. “These gifts are a testament to how the community is embracing UH and the quality of services we provide.