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Pregnancy Program Addresses Infant Mortality

 Angie Truesdale (left) and Celina Cunanan
Angie Truesdale, CEO, Centering® Healthcare Institute (left) and Celina Cunanan, CNM, Division Chief of Midwifery, University Hospitals.

UH received support of more than $1 million to expand its successful CenteringPregnancy program at the new UH Rainbow Center for Women & Children. Selected as one of two national Centering Regional Leadership Partners by the Centering® Healthcare Institute, UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s and MacDonald Women’s hospitals received an Ohio Department of Medicaid grant through First Year Cleveland, to more than double the number of women served through CenteringPregnancy.

The CenteringPregnancy model at UH has achieved a markedly lower rate of preterm births – 5 percent – compared to the statewide average of 10.4 percent. These results are critical as UH works with local partners to address the high infant mortality rate in Cuyahoga County.

“Our providers and patients have embraced Centering since 2010,” said Patti DePompei, RN, MSN, President, UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s and MacDonald Women’s hospitals. “We have already seen results from these new investments, and achieved the highest ever enrollment for this unique model of care in 2018.”