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2018 Annual Report

Dominic Piunno Endowed Chair in Hemophilia and Bleeding Disorders

Dominic Piunno and Sanjay P. Ahuja, MD
Dominic Piunno (left) and Sanjay P. Ahuja, MD

Dominic Piunno has had hemophilia his entire life and, for nearly as long, has hoped researchers would find a cure. In 2014, his step-grandmother, Maria Quinn Piunno, established an endowed fund at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital to benefit hemophilia research and, over the years, the Piunno family and their Circle of Friends raised additional funds for “Dominic’s Dream” through events and appeals. With support from Sylvia Oliver and a matching gift from Rainbow Babies & Children’s Foundation, they cumulatively raised $1.5 million and established the Dominic Piunno Endowed Chair in Hemophilia and Bleeding Disorders at UH Rainbow. Sanjay P. Ahuja, MD, Director of the Hemophilia Program and the Hemostasis and Thrombosis Center at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital, was named the inaugural Piunno Chair and the newest Rainbow Babies & Children’s Foundation Scholar.

Endowed Chairs, Directors and Master Clinicians are prestigious titles at University Hospitals which are awarded to leading physicians and administrators, recognizing profound contributions in healthcare and the potential for continued innovation. They are sources of support, providing dedicated funds for research, education and training in perpetuity. And they are, above all else, inspiring reminders of our community’s generosity, each a lasting legacy for individuals and families that will endure for generations.

Visit UHGiving.org for more information about endowments and to view a complete list of endowed positions.

To establish an endowment fund, please contact the Director of Gift Planning, Patricia Fries, at 216-844-0430 or patricia.fries@UHhospitals.org.