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Distinguished Physicians

All UH physicians are experts in their field and demonstrate compassion in caring for patients.

University Hospitals of Cleveland seal

For those physicians who stand out among their peers, UH honored them with recognition as a Distinguished Physician. In 2018, UH selected the inaugural class, which included 36 physicians acknowledged for exceptional depth of knowledge; willingness to share that knowledge through peer collaboration and mentoring students, residents and fellows; providing extraordinary compassionate care; requested by colleagues to care for their loved ones; leaders who set standards for quality, improvements in patient care practices and technological advances; and physicians who take pride in offering their patients treatment based on epidemiologic and translational research.

These physicians, who have cared for UH patients for over 10 years, were honored at a ceremony and presented with a new lab coat bearing this distinguished new title.

Specialties Distinguished Physicians
Anesthesia Erin Furey, MD
Ray Graber, MD
Dermatology Susan Nedorost, MD
Emergency Medicine Howard Dickey-White, MD
Family Medicine Todd Zeiger, MD
Genetics Suzanne DeBrosse, MD
Medicine Keith Armitage, MD
Barry Effron, MD
Jeffry Katz, MD
Anthony Post, MD, MS
Richard L. Stein, MD
Neurology Michael Devereaux, MD
Cathy Sila, MD
Neurosurgery Nicholas Bambakidis, MD
OB/GYN Marjorie Greenfield, MD
Margaret Larkins-Pettigrew, MD, MS
Ophthalmology Julie Belkin, MD
Edward Burney, MD, FAAO, FACS
Orthopedics Christopher Furey, MD
Matthew Kraay, MD, MS
Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery Pierre Lavertu, MD, FACS
Pathology Mark Cohen, MD
Pediatrics Michael Dell, MD
Richard Martin, MD
Kristie Ross, MD
Psychiatry John Hertzer, MD
Radiology R. Chapman (Chip) Gilkeson, MD
Dean Nakamoto, MD
Donna Plecha, MD, FSBI
Radiation Oncology Louis Novak, MD
UH Seidman Cancer Center Paula Silverman, MD
Surgery Edward Barksdale Jr., MD
Alan Markowitz, MD
Raymond Onders, MD, FACS
Robert Shenk, MD
Urology Donald Bodner, MD