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Dee Kleinman Endowed Director of Volunteer Services

Barbara Nalette and Dee Kleinman 
Barbara Nalette (left) and Dee Kleinman

In 2018, UH celebrated the establishment of its 100th endowed position, a milestone made more momentous by the donor – longtime friend and UH volunteer Dee Kleinman. Her gift established the Dee Kleinman Director of Volunteer Services, a unique position that celebrates volunteerism and pays homage to UH’s origins. The inaugural Kleinman Director, Barbara Nalette, has led UH Volunteer Services since 2003. “UH was founded by volunteers and, over its history, has been sustained and supported by their service,” said Dee, who has been a committed UH volunteer since 1977. “I wanted to celebrate UH’s long-held tradition of volunteerism and help it thrive in the years to come.”

Endowed Chairs, Directors and Master Clinicians are prestigious titles at University Hospitals which are awarded to leading physicians and administrators, recognizing profound contributions in healthcare and the potential for continued innovation. They are sources of support, providing dedicated funds for research, education and training in perpetuity. And they are, above all else, inspiring reminders of our community’s generosity, each a lasting legacy for individuals and families that will endure for generations.

Visit UHGiving.org for more information about endowments and to view a complete list of endowed positions.

To establish an endowment fund, please contact the Director of Gift Planning, Patricia Fries, at 216-844-0430 or patricia.fries@UHhospitals.org.