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2018 UH by the Numbers

Patient Care 2018 2018 Figures
Outpatient procedures 11,027,959
Physician visits 2,837,797
Emergency Department visits 462,230
Urgent Care visits 144,228
Unique patients seen 1,284,575
Registered beds 3,116
Key Financial Statistics 2018 2018 Figures
Total operating revenues ($ in billions) $4.1
Operating income ($ in millions) $133.4
Operating income margin 3.24%
Research ($ in millions) 2018 2018 Figures
Joint UH-Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) School of Medicine basic science research $95
Joint UH-CWRU clinical & translational research $92
Total sponsored research funding to CWRU School of Medicine attributable to UH (including NIH grants awarded at UH Cleveland Medical Center) $187
Total sponsored research funding to UH Cleveland Medical Center (including industry-sponsored clinical trials) $62
Total Research $249