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Dietetic Internship Program Open House

Friday, January 4, 2019 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM

The University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center Dietetic Internship Program is the second oldest program in the nation and recognized for providing graduates with a solid background to enter the field of nutrition and dietetics. Please join us for our Open House event to learn more about UH Cleveland Medical Center and our Dietetic Internship Program.

RSVP with name and school by January 2nd to: Gina.Bayless@UHhospitals.org Complimentary parking up to two hours; closest location is the RBC lot on Adelbert Road. Continental breakfast will be provided. **Please visit our website for information regarding virtual open house dates: UHhospitals.org/DieteticInternship

  • Cost: No Cost
  • Seats Available: 2


UH Cleveland Medical Center
11100 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH


Gina Bayless

To RSVP please contact Gina Bayless by phone or email.