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Resident Life

Resident Events

  • Graduation Dinner & Awards Ceremony: Our annual celebration of residency graduates.
  • Resident Appreciation Week: One week in February with events and prizes where the hospital shows its thanks to the residents for all the great work they do.
  • All Resident Retreat: An annual theme is presented at this retreat to set the stage for the year.
  • Intern Retreat: A two day retreat in October where the interns have an opportunity to learn, bond and relax.
  • Junior Retreat: The juniors have an opportunity to take a break from work and relax, including a visit to the Cleveland Museum of Art.
  • Senior Roast: Our seniors get an opportunity to roast the faculty they have gotten to know and love. Then our interns get their chance to roast the seniors.
  • Pearls Day: A University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital tradition where we honor our favorite faculty members. Faculty present “pearls” in an off-beat and fun conference.
  • Science Day: For 40+ years, the annual presentation of all resident research occurs in June.
  • Resident Initiated Events…just to name a few:
    • Sledding
    • Blossom Music Festival Outing
    • Mixology Classes
    • Senior “Skip” Day

In the Hospital's Backyard

  • Cleveland Museum of Art
  • MOCA: Museum of Contemporary Art
  • Severance Hall: Cleveland Orchestra
  • Botanical Gardens
  • Museum of Natural History

In Our Backyards: Where We Like to Live and Visit

Clevelanders divide the city into “East side” and “West side,” with the Cuyahoga River being the dividing landmark. Because UH Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital is on the east side of town, it's most common for residents to live in the near Eastern suburbs, downtown Cleveland, or in the historic urban Cleveland districts just west of the river. Check out our Cleveland Neighborhoods information, in the Life in Cleveland section of our website.

Pictured at right: Residents at the Kusama Exhibit at the Cleveland Museum of Art