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Poison Emergency & Prevention

U.S. Poison Control Centers

If you or your child has a poison emergency or you have a question about poisons and you are in the United States, call 1-800-222-1222. This 24/7 toll-free number will connect you with a poison control center in your state. If your child has collapsed or is not breathing, call 9-1-1.

Poison Prevention

Store Poisons Safely

Store medicines and household products locked up, where children cannot see or reach them. Store poisons in their original containers and use child-resistant packaging.

Use Poisons Safely

Read the label and follow all the directions on medicines and products. If children are around, take the product or medicine with you to answer the door or phone. Lock products and medicine up after using them.

Is it medicine? Call it medicine, not candy! Children learn by imitation. Take your medicines when children can't watch.

Teach Children to Ask First

Poisons can look like food or drink. Teach children to ask an adult before eating or drinking anything.