Conferences and Rounds
Resident Conferences

Residents are provided a comprehensive selection of neurology conferences and rounds to enhance their neurological education, including:
Bootcamp: One week full- time introduction to the neurology residency at the start of the PGY2 year. The week includes a review of neuroanatomy and neuroradiology, in addition to simulation training in lumbar puncture and fundoscopy. Other topics include an introduction to EEG and EMG, documentation, hand-offs and other practical aspects of being a neurology resident.
Introductory and Emergency Neurology: Eight-week set of lectures at the start of the academic year, reviewing the neurologic exam, neuroimaging and several common neurological patient presentations, in addition to focusing on the major neurological emergencies.
Neuroscience Grand Rounds: Clinical and scientific lectures of current interest.
Neuropathology CPC: A clinical-pathological correlation conference consisting of a case-based discussion of neuropathologic topics.
Journal Club and Evidence-Based Medicine: Dissection of a current paper of interest, organized by residents and professors with an expertise in biomedical statistics. In addition, there is a comprehensive series of lectures on all aspects of evidence-based medicine.
Visiting Professorships: Throughout the year distinguished members of the neurological community provide teaching sessions for residents and faculty.
Stroke Conference: A resident-led discussion of current research on topics related to cerebrovascular disease.
Morbidity and Mortality Conferences: Senior UH Stroke and General Service residents present their cases from the month before.
Neuro-Ophthalmology Conference: Clinical conference on various topics in neuro-ophthalmology.
Comprehensive Epilepsy Conference: Includes acute management of seizures, diagnosis of epilepsy, long term management of epilepsy, and an introduction to the interpretation of electroencephalograms.
Neuromuscular Grand Rounds: Discussion of the fundamentals and clinical application of EMG and other neuromuscular topics.
Movement Disorders Video Rounds: Current cases and classic movement disorders discussed at a monthly conference.
Resident Core Competency Conference: Includes a variety of important topics, including bioethics, palliative care and neuro-rehabilitation.
Neuroradiology Conference: Discussion of recent patient scans on the neurology and neurosurgical ward and consult services.
CNS Tumor Board: Discussion of active neuro-oncology patients among the neurology, neurosurgery, and radiation oncology services.
Resident Research Day: Day-long event in the spring where residents, fellows and graduate students from neurology, neurosurgery, pediatric neurology, neuroradiology, psychiatry and neuroscience present their research projects, either as posters or oral presentations. The event starts off with the Garson Visiting Professor address, given by a distinguished alumnus of the program.