Clinical Rotations

Second Year Neurology Training (PGY2)
- UH Cerebrovascular Service: This is a combined primary inpatient and consultation service that cares for patients with cerebrovascular disorders.
- UH General Neurology Service: This is a combined primary inpatient and consultation service that cares for patients with a variety of neurological disorders.
- UH Epilepsy Service: This is a combined primary inpatient and consultation service that cares for patients either with epilepsy or first-time seizures, along with managing the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit.
- Neuro-Critical Care: This is a 19-bed combined ICU for neurology and neurosurgical patients that require intensive care.
- VA Neurology Service: This is a combined primary inpatient and consultation service that cares for veterans with any neurological disorders.
- X+Y Schedule: Every third half-block is spent doing outpatient electives and required outpatient experiences in cognitive neurology, movement disorders, neuroimmunology, and headache medicine.
- Night Service: One block covering consultations and new admissions at night. The junior resident is on a team with a supervising senior resident.
- Vacation: One block.
Sample PGY2 Schedule (*1 block = 4 weeks)
- UH Cerebrovascular Service Jr — 2 Blocks
- UH General Neurology Service Jr — 2 Blocks
- VA Neurology Jr — 2 Blocks
- Neuro-ICU Jr — 2 Blocks
- Epilepsy Jr — 1 Block
- Night Service Jr — 1 Block
- Ambulatory — 2 Blocks
- Vacation — 1 Block
VA Clinic ½ Day a week (when not assigned to a UH inpatient service).
General Continuity Clinic ½ Day every other week (either at UH or the VA).
Subspecialty Continuity Clinic ½ Day every other week.
* Note: Schedule may vary depending on number of residents in a class. No clinic is scheduled during vacation month.
Third Year Neurology (PGY3)
- EEG/Epilepsy: Two contiguous blocks, learning clinical epilepsy and how to read and interpret EEGs.
- EMG/Neuromuscular: Two contiguous blocks, learning clinical neuromuscular disorders and learning and interpreting EMGs.
- Assistant Senior, Cerebrovascular Service: One or two blocks working on the UH Cerebrovascular Service in a transitional role between Jr. and Sr. residents.
- Assistant Senior, General Neurology Service: One or two blocks working on the UH General Neurology Service in a transitional role between Jr. and Sr. residents.
- Pediatric Neurology: One and a half blocks of working on the pediatric neurology service, both inpatient and outpatient.
- Electives: One block in learning individually selected areas of neurology.
- Vacation: One block.
Sample PGY3 Schedule (*1 block = 4 weeks)
- EEG / Epilepsy Course — 2 Blocks
- EMG / Neuromuscular Course — 1.5 Blocks
- Assistant Senior Cerebrovascular Service — 1-2 Blocks
- Assistant Senior General Neurology Service — 1-2 Blocks
- Neuroscience Course — 1.5 Blocks
- Elective — 1 Block
- PedsNeuro — 1.5 Blocks
- Vacation — 1 Month
VA Clinic ½ Day a week (when not assigned to a UH inpatient service).
General Continuity Clinic ½ Day every other week (either at UH or the VA).
Subspecialty Continuity Clinic ½ Day every other week.
* Note: Schedule may vary depending on number of residents in a class. No clinic is scheduled during the vacation month.
Fourth Year Neurology (PGY4)
- UH Cerebrovascular Service Senior: A block or two of running the Cerebrovascular inpatient and consult service.
- General Neurology Service Senior: A block or two of running the General Neurology inpatient and consult service.
- UH Epilepsy Service: A block working with the Epilepsy Service helping manage the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU) and inpatient epilepsy patients.
- VA Senior: Overseeing care of inpatient veterans and handling consultations from other services.
- Pediatric Neurology: One and a half blocks of working on the pediatric neurology service, both inpatient and outpatient.
- Psychiatry Consultation Service: One block on the consultation-liaison service.
- Neuropathology/Neuroradiology: One block of learning and reviewing both microscopic and gross neuropathology, half time, and the other half time, learning neuroradiology.
- Ambulatory Neurology Block: One block dedicated to outpatient neurology with an emphasis on behavioral neurology and movement disorders.
- Quality Institute Block: One block of learning risk management, quality and process improvement, root cause analysis, and patient safety.
- Electives: At least two blocks in learning individually selected areas of neurology.
- Night Service: One block covering consultations and new admissions at night. The senior resident is on a team supervising a junior resident.
- Vacation: One block.
Sample PGY4 Schedule (*1 block = 4 weeks)
- UH Cerebrovascular Service (Chief) — 1 Block
- UH General Neurology Service (Chief) — 1 Block
- VA Ward — 1 Block
- Psychiatry Consultation Service — 1 Block
- Quality Center — 1 Block
- Peds Neuro — 1.5 Blocks
- Electives — 2 Blocks
- Epilepsy Sr. — 1 Block
- Night Service Sr. — 1 Block
- Ambulatory — 1 Block
- Vacation — 1 Block
VA Clinic ½ Day a week (when not assigned to a UH inpatient service).
General Continuity Clinic ½ Day every other week (at either UH or the VA).
Subspecialty Continuity Clinic ½ Day every other week.
* Note: Schedule may vary depending on number of residents in a class. Chief months are not contiguous. No clinic is scheduled during UH Chief months and vacation month.